MaaS Provider (Mobility as a Service)

Hwik Go Inc. uses a combination of public transportation and various smart mobility
to establish MaaS(Mobility as a Service) platform, providing seamless movement in smart cities.
Public Transportation card based
Smart Mobility Transfer Connection
Seoul city taxi service for
foreign-language speakers
Shared PM Parking operation
& Support Service Based on
High Precision Positioning system

LaaS Provider (Logistics as a Service)

Hwik Bit Inc. utilizes a logistics network based on public transportation to
establish LaaS(Logistics as a Service) platform, in order to provide the same level
of improved and efficient delivery for goods similar to movement of people.
TAGLO Smart Locker
IoT Smart Locker optimized for P2P
logistics transactions Similar to a post Box
TAGLO Gig Worker
Guaranteed Identity protection system
through reinforced licence qualification
Mileage Reward
Provide public transportation card mileage
as service reward

Media Coverage

Hwik Go Inc. & LOCA Mobility Opens TAGRIDE Service.
press 2023. 06. 26
  • press 2023. 06. 30
  • press 2022. 12. 21
  • press 2022. 09. 21


4F 97, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Business and service alliances
HR Contact